Monday, January 29, 2007

The cherry on top!

What could possibly add a little bit of extra sparkle to a January like this? I'd frankly already reached a point where it was just too ridiculous to care anymore. Once I discovered the degree to which someone has been using my bank account, all bets were off. The past month simply became funny.

So what, you ask, could possibly have just topped it off?

How about getting stuck in my extremely creepy, ancient elevator for over an hour? Yeah. That would probably do it. The good news? I was coming home from the grocery store, so at least I had cold beer in there with me.


Anonymous said...

ahhhhh!!! i can't believe it actually happened. i knew i had a right to be scared to death everytime i set foot in there. at least god was in your corner. ;)

Anonymous said...

Always looking on the bright side of life! (Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot ... )