Monday, January 08, 2007


I feel like a human stress ball. I feel like I am being squeezed by a giant hand, and somehow I am just getting more and more compact.

Today two of my work friends were "terminated." And I will be filling in for them until they are replaced, which won't happen for several months. And their job centers around the gala, which will be happening in two weeks. Without them.

Add to this the fact that my biggest task of the year was supposed to be completed this past Friday. Through a series of events which, to be completely honest, were in no way my fault, we are now horridly behind schedule. So, I'm supposed to be doing this gigantic thing that I've been working on, and I'm supposed to jump in and work on this even-more-gigantic thing that someone else has been working on.

I am having one of those moments when the sheer enormity of what I'm up against is paralyzing. I can't even seem to formulate coherent thoughts, and I don't know where to begin getting stuff done. I might be in over my head.

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