Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Smell of Clean

My favorite quote about Stern Grove is from the San Francisco Chronicle, and it goes something like this:

Stern Grove is the only place where the concerts smell as good as they sound.

It's true, y'all. This place is an amazing outdoor venue in a eucalyptus grove. (Side note: is it a eucalyptus grove, or an eucalyptus grove? Neither looks correct to me. Whatever.) But today topped the cake.

Because today I met the Pine-Sol lady.
You know, the woman with the braids who says "Honey, you need the power of Pine-Sol, the smell of clean." She's been on those commercials for like ten years. You know the Pine-Sol lady.

She is apparently a Stern Grove supporter. And so, as I was checking people in today, I met her. I love this woman. I know, I know, how boring can I be? But seriously, she makes me want to go buy Pine-Sol. I trust this woman. She would never let my floors stay dirty! No, not only will my floors be sparkling, but they will smell delectable. I will be the envy of all my retired Russian neighbors! Nevermind that my non-carpeted floor is only, say, twelve square feet in the entire apartment. Pine-Sol will change my life! I am not alone in this. When I told my colleagues that the Pine-Sol lady was on the premises, an embarrassing number of people with Masters degrees rushed to get her autograph.

Come on, you know you want one, too!

1 comment:

Greg said...

Well, it's true: I wouldn't buy Pine Sol if it weren't for her and those commercials. For me, she's up there with Mr. Clean. And that picture is pretty hot...