Friday, July 28, 2006

Can't seem to click the correct place...

I'm drunk

At my flute teacher's house.

And I know what you're thinking. "How can this be? Snail, drunk, at her flute teacher's house? Really, I realize she's a lightweight. I mean, that girl after one drink is bad. Three drinks means the makings of a massive hangover, and major embarrassment."

Come on, people, have a litte faith.

I am house-sitting at my teacher's house. This entails drinking a lot of alcohol, sitting in the hot-tub, and feeding the guinea pigs. Seriously. I don't think I'm getting paid for this, but I still think it's the greatest scam ever manifested on planet earth.

Firstly, the alcohol cabinet is only stocked with top-shelf liquor. Secondly, there is a wine celler. Okay, so maybe its a closet. But still. If there are more than three bottles of wine happily coexisting in my apartment, it's a holiday. Thirdly, have you ever had guinea pigs? They are seriously low-maintenance. Seriously.

But the fact of the moment is that I have drunk two white russians and a glass of white wine. I purchased the wine myself. There's still a big piece of me that feels guity even considering drinking a bottle of what makes up Tim's amazing wine collection.

Needless to say, I am drunk. I have deleted approximately 3/4 of the words I have typed, upon realizing that they were spelled completely incorrectly. I am going to have to battle myself not to correct in the morning. Until that time, folks...

You know you wish you were here. See ya, suckers!

1 comment:

Mair said...

House-sitting is the BEST! Well, second only to drunk blogging.