Sunday, September 17, 2006

Confession time

I am about to say something shocking. Prepare yourself.

I don't think I like opera.

I mean, I'm trying really hard to like opera. I feel like I should LOVE opera, being a classical musician. And don't get me wrong, there are certain operas that I have absolutely adored. A lot of the time, though, I just get bored. Seriously, I could be shot on sight for this, and would be if a lot of my teachers/friends found out. The thing is, I love beautiful singing. I love the costumes, I love the orchestra, I love the idea of a fantasy world where everything can be expressed through song. Selfishly, I love an excuse to dress to the nines and go out for the evening. I just don't understand why opera directors seem to believe that "opera humor" has to be slapstick to the point of stupidity. I don't enjoy jokes about opera within an opera. I seriously dislike the way many directors seem to be toeing the line between innocent-looking physical comedy and more "adult" humor, while succeeding at neither.

Maybe I'll change my mind as I age. Not loving opera makes me feel a bit like an imposter in the world of music. For now, I'll stick to the Symphony and the Ballet.

1 comment:

Mair said...

OMG, there are jokes about operas IN operas? That kind of makes me want to stab myself, a little.