Saturday, October 28, 2006


I love Daylight Savings Time. I wish it was the default time of the world. Tonight, changing the clock to "fall behind," I am a little bit sad. Despite the knowlege that we'll return to DST in a few short months, I always resist the hour-earlier darkness that this time of year signifies. Tomorrow, when the sun blares in my window even earlier, I will feel so alive! Alas, the feeling will fade at 6pm, when darkness descends and kills the buzz of early daylight. Granted, the end of DST is never as bad in Cali as it was in Virginia. I'm not sure if it was the increasing cold of this time of year, or the bleakness that generally is my hometown in winter, but November always heralded in several months of depression in my childhood. As much as I love (LOVE!) the snow, several months of oppressingly cold temperatures, of ice on sidewalks, of 5:00 darkness always took their toll on my psyche. In San Fran, winter means months of damp, tons of rain, and occasional weeks of sudden, shocking summertime. I love living in California. While I miss the change of seasons, and the feeling of anticipation that they bring with them, I love the surprising bursts of summer-like weather that occur at random.

Goodbye, summer! We'll see you in a few months, and we welcome you back for your short visits through the November-March season of rain. My white white white skin and I will be awaiting your return in April. Until then, have fun in the Southern hemisphere. Drink a few umbrella drinks for me!

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