Wednesday, April 04, 2007


My crankypants are pulled up HIGH today.

Not only did I achieve very few hours of sleep last night, but now I'm waiting for my boss to have a meeting that was scheduled for two hours ago. And I can't do anything at all until we've met.

The two main signs that I need to just start today all over again? I snapped, verbally, at three of my coworkers. Now, those of you who actually know me personally will probably understand the ramifications of this. I don't snap at people. I certainly don't say to people, "You are being really freaking rude." And why, you ask, did I feel the need to share my bad-humored state with the world? Oh, wait for it. They criticized my lunch. Yup. They told me my lunch was gross. And I got mad.

sigh. I need more important things to worry about!

And then I nearly kicked a child's ass at the restaurant, while picking up said lunch. I walked through the door, and this little girl (perhaps seven years old?) glares at me and says, "There's a line, and you better not cut in front of me!!!"

WHAT. THE. CRAP????????????????????????????

Whose mother allows them to talk that way to strangers? And yes, her mother was standing right next to her. I literally had to close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Intellectually, I know that this is lack of sleep talking. I know that I will wake up in the morning (provided the *%$#ing cats leave me alone) in a different world, a world of unicorns and rainbows and bluebirds. Right now, though, I just feel like whining as I wallow in my self-pity.

Good work, me!


Stefanie said...

I know you're probably in no mood for this question, but I have to ask... What did you have for lunch? (I promise I won't say it was gross.) ;-)

I hope you get some proper sleep and feel better soon!

Mair said...

Girl, I have had that day, too, and it's definitely lack of sleep talking. It will be better tomorrow, I promise -- OR ELSE! Or else the world will be hearing from us.

Abby said...

Lunch was Kung Pao tofu. Nothing odd. Tofu, rice, snow peas, and peppers. And soooo not worth getting mad about, for any reason whatsoever.

Sandy said...

fuck that.
kung pao anything is delicious.

I also get really defensive when someone thinks my food is nasty.