Saturday, June 24, 2006

Too Much of a Good Thing

I have never thought of myself as "getting older." Never have I considered myself as an adult. I think it has something to do with the fact that I've never had a real full-time job, and I've been a student all my life. There's a degree of freedom in refusing to accept one's adulthood. Sure, certain parts of my lifestyle have started to feel a bit taxing. Living in a one bedroom apartment with two roommates, for instance, is highly overrated. However, I've never really felt that my age was a disadvantage.

Until last night.

When I chose to get really drunk for absolutely no reason.

And then spent the next 12 hours vomiting.

More times than I can count.

I never really drank that much in college. Sure, I went out occasionally, but my tolerance was always so low that two drinks had me under the table. I was poor enough to appreciate being able to get drunk off of five bucks, and boring enough to be satisfied with just maintaining a moderate level of drunkenness. I never experienced a hangover until my 24th birthday, which was also the first time that I consumed more than four drinks in a single evening. And the first time alcohol made me sick. I've had a few more negative experiences since then, but last night/this morning takes the cake.

I have therefore made one of my first ever truly grown-up decisions: I am taking a sabbatical from alcohol. It turns out that there really is such a thing as too much of a good thing.


Mair said...

You were the CUTEST when you'd have one beer. "Are you drunk?? I'm drunk!" Me: "Not yet, but thanks for asking!"

Abby said...

Ha! Yeah, that's pretty accurate.