Friday, March 09, 2007

A new truth

When it comes to emotions, I am not a cautious person. Despite my typical "look before you leap" approach to life, I have never learned how to check my feelings at the door and not take life personally. This is one of the things I like most and least about myself. I like that I am experiencing my own life, that I can look back one day and say that I truly felt the impact of every moment. I hate that I cry at the drop of a hat, that a memory can bring with it a rush of anger that has aged three years, that I cannot wipe the proverbial slate clean when it comes to my feelings towards people.

To tumble into a friendship is one of my favorite feelings in the world. I love the rush of falling into another person, discovering a familiar soul in the crushing race through the universe. And, historically, I have always approached love with the same haphazard recklessness, hurtling myself towards potential disaster.

Something has changed.

I currently find myself in a situation that begs clarifying. It has hit the point where it is, frankly, just absurd. It has hit a point where I should have asked the question two months ago, ripped the bandaid off, and let the chips fall where they may. (I'm apparently the master of mixed metaphors today...) And now I'm not sure I want to know the answer, despite knowing that any answer will at least eliminate the overwhelming uncertainty. The problem is simple: I like this person. I like this person a dangerous amount. And, despite the knowledge that I am utterly fantastic, I don't have faith that this person could ever like me back.

I know, I know, it's a cliché older than any other. It's the sort of thing that makes me feel crazy for having nothing more critical, more meaningful to care about. It also makes me furious with myself for being an ostrich, pushing my head into the sand to avoid getting hurt. This is not who I am. I've always lived by the adage, "Better to have loved and lost than to never love at all." Yet, somehow I cannot bring myself to trust in the general goodness of the universe on this one. And I cannot bring myself to face the possibility that my pessimistic side could be right.

Basically, I need to just suck it up and grow a pair.



Anonymous said...

ABB, What?! Are you KIDDING ME? You are absolutely fantastic. I barely know ye, and I know this. Your fantastic-ness was apparent from the get-go. I know (KNOW!) this is easier said than done, but anyone who doesn't like you for who you are isn't worth knowing. I know that's so Oprah and stuff, but still. I refuse to believe that anyone truly good can not like you. You're *that* awesome. So, please. Know that. Know that people who (ahem!) are cool like you for who you are. That's all you ever need to do for someone who is worth your attention.

Sandy said...

You're a catch. Don't ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

Chickadee, look at those pictures of yourself you posted below - you're adorable (and smokin' hot!). Anyone who doesn't like YOU back is crazy. Hrmph.
